Winterhalter manufacturer a wide range of dishwashers and glasswashers from small front loaders, pass throughs, to large rack and flight machines. Actron have been selling, installing and repairing Winterhalter dishwashers and glasswashers for over 30 years now. We’ve seen a number of changes to the range over that time but one thing that hasn’t changed is the quality and performance of the machines, they are in our opinion the premium warewasher.
What you are paying for in a Winterhalter is the superb engineering, design, and performance, which from our experience will ensure many years of service. By concentrating on this one brand enables us to establish a high level of product knowledge and technical understanding, something just not possible if selling multiple brands. We hold all the major parts in stock for the front loaders & pass through machines & have a first time fix rate in excess of 95%.
Dishwashers and Glasswashers

Pass Through Dishwashers

Large capacity mini rack, flight & utensil warewashers

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